Research Areas

Exploring critical development challenges through rigorous research and analysis

Natural Resources and Mining
Research on governance, impact, and sustainability in the mining sector

Governance and Policy Frameworks in the Mining Sector

Socio-Economic Impact of Mining on Local Communities

Mining and Environmental Sustainability

Gender and Youth Empowerment in Mining Communities

Conflict and Peacebuilding in Resource-Rich Areas

Latest Publications

Explore our recent research findings and publications

The voices of women in natural resource management in Ghana: Use, access, control, and ownership

Adam, J. N., Adams, T., & Gerber, J.-D.

Journal of Gender, Place & Culture, 2022


The dilemma of women empowerment in artisanal and small-scale gold ore mining in Ghana

Adam, J. N., Adams, T., Gerber, J.-D., & Amacker, M.

Cogent Social Sciences, 2022

8: 2108231

Decentralization for increased sustainability in natural resource management? Two cautionary cases from Ghana

Adam, J. N., Adams, T., Gerber, J.-D., & Haller, T.

Sustainability, 2021

13, 6886

The politics of decentralization: Competition in land administration and management in Ghana

Adam, J. N., Adams, T., & Gerber, J.-D.

Land, 2021

10, 948

Access to dry season water and small ruminant market integration in the Nadowli district of Upper West region of Ghana

Adam, J. N., Freeman-Kudadji, C., & Dassah, Z. E.

Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 2017

9(11), 262–269

Entry and participation barriers in dry season irrigation farming: Evidence from Tono and Vea irrigation schemes

Adam, J. N., Wekem, D. A., & Dassah, Z. E.

American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences, 2016

3(2), 462–469

Gender, ICT, and teaching and learning in Ghana

Adam, J. N., & Al-hassan, S.

International Journal of Development and Education using ICT, 2015

11(2), 113-125

Assessing the impact of microfinance on gari processing: A theory of household analysis in the West Gonja District

Adam, J. N.

PentVars Business Journal, 2009

7(1). 44-51

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